Luke’s Story
My Name is Luke and I’m writing to tell you how the service that is NOVAS changed my life. For many years of my life I was lost, I spent the time drinking excessively and drug taking…looking for acceptance in all the wrong places. My addiction took me to a very lonely place in my life, completely breaking me; mentally, physically and emotionally. Eventually my addiction left me homeless and it was around this time that I got in contact with NOVAS in Thurles. I didn’t know it at the time but it would turn out to be the best thing I have ever done, and the beginning of the rest of my life. NOVAS helped me to get a place in residential treatment to deal with my issues, it was a long hard road to even get in the door but they supported me every step of the way, even coming to visit me during my programme.
Over two years on now and after a lot of help from NOVAS and some hard work from myself I have completely turned my life around. I’ve been substance free for two years, I have a full time job, I’m living in a three bedroom house and have a great relationship with my family again. Life couldn’t be better. I will be forever grateful to the staff in Mitchel Street who showed me there was hope when I thought there was none, for pushing me to always be the best I can be and for their continued support to this day. Life will never be the same again.
Thank you NOVAS!