Record breaking figures again, as monthly homeless figures for August rise

There was another rise in national homeless figures in August, according to the most recent data released by the Department of Housing today. In August, there were 14,486 people recorded as living in temporary and emergency homeless accommodation in the state; 10,067 adults and 4,419 children. This was an increase of 57 people from the previous month.

Except for January, figures have risen every month this year and across a 12-month period, homelessness has risen by 14%. Young adults aged 18-24 years presenting to homeless services rose by 2.5%. These figures do not include households who experienced hidden homelessness; those who are rough sleeping, sofa surfing, those involuntary sharing with multiple generation and people who live in substandard accommodation. Nor does it include people living in domestic violence shelters or migrants seeking international protection.

Una Burns, Head of Advocacy and Communications expressed ‘grave concern’ in relation to the new figures and noted that ‘their publication come in the backdrop of the 2025 Budget next week, which must reflect the reality on the ground of more and more households experiencing homelessness.’ She called on government to ‘prioritise prevention measures including the scaling of the current tenant-in-situ scheme and a revision of existing housing targets that reflect our new reality.’ Tacking the homeless crisis with purpose and urgency must be the top priority for Budget 2025. ‘Greater focus on prevention, accelerated supply of social and affordable housing and ringfenced housing for people who spend protracted periods of time in homeless accommodation must all be part of the multi-strand, multi-departmental and multi-agency approach to tackling the spiralling crisis. Homelessness is solvable and this Budget must reflect the government’s commitment to ending homelessness by 2030.’