NOVAS Initiatives Officially Opens The Doors Of Its Redeveloped Homeless Facility As Its Annual Report Reveals A Startling Rise In The Number Of People Accessing Its Services
Brother Stephen Russell House, one of Limerick’s oldest homeless services, today (21st November) officially opened the doors of its redeveloped and extended facility in the city. The new service will provide 33 units of long-term supported housing. NOVAS’ CEO, Michael Goulding, noted that ‘the tenants of the new facility will no longer be considered homeless, a stigma many of the men have carried for more than a decade.’ He went on to say that ‘the service will provide a home for life for those who need it and will afford them dignity, privacy and security’. He believes ‘a single unit of accommodation is the least that anyone deserves.’
The service, situated on Mulgrave Street in the city, has been completely rebuilt, redesigned and renewed, to meet the changing landscape of homelessness in Ireland. Capital to complete the service was provided by the JP McManus Foundation and the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government. It is thus fitting that Sue Ann Foley, daughter of JP and chairperson of the Foundation along with Minister for Education and former Minster for Housing Jan O’Sullivan, will officially open the service today.
The old service, despite the keen efforts of staff was unfit for purpose. It was outdated, substandard and unsuitable to the requirements of many of its clients. There are a myriad of issues among its tenants including mental health issues, physical disabilities, alcohol and substance misuse and experience of sexual and physical abuse. The new build will cater for the physical and therapeutic needs of all tenants. The former dormitory style accommodation will be replaced with single, ensuite rooms and clustered communal living areas. A specially designed service for those presenting with a disability has been developed on the ground floor.
Anne Cronin, NOVAS’ Head of Homeless Services noted that it was poignant that this fantastic service was being opened on the same day that such startling figures about homelessness have been revealed in its 2013 Annual Report. ‘The redevelopment of this service is one of a range of responses by NOVAS to the national crisis’, she said.
The organisation’s annual report revealed that it provided support and services to 2,014 families’ children and single adults during 2013, this was an increase of 23% from the previous twelve month period and a 110% increase since 2010. The report also described how, despite the increasing number of people supported, it amounted to less than 70% of all those referred to its services throughout the year. In all NOVAS service, demand far exceeded capacity. The organisation took a number of steps to tackle the issue including increasing its outreach support, developing a Housing First pilot service and expanding its building programme.
The report also highlights the young age profile of clients, with 50% of those availing of residential services less than 30 years of age. In addition, some 53% of those in receipt of accommodation were women. The organisation is particularly keen to find better outcomes for this group, including plans to relocate and expand the capacity of Mount Brown, Dublin’s only women’s homeless service.