Including a gift in your Will is a powerful way to help the most vulnerable people in our community. It is a meaningful and impactful way of making a lasting difference. With a gift in your Will to NOVAS you will help build a better future for people most in need and create lasting solutions to homelessness.
We always advise that you should seek professional advice when drawing up your Will. Your solicitor should be able to give you more helpful information about the things you need to consider when writing, amending, or updating your will. We advise that you should always consider your family and loved ones first.
Ways to Give:
Residuary Legacy
A legacy gift of a percentage of the residue of your estate, after providing for loved ones and covering administrative expenses.
Pecuniary Legacy
A legacy gift of a fixed sum of money.
A gift of a specific item.
You just need to give the following information to your solicitor:
87 O’Connell Street,
Limerick, Ireland.
Phone: (061) 370325
Registered Charity Number: 20041533 CHY: 13390
If you already have a Will and you would like to add NOVAS, your solicitor can guide you through making minor changes. If you have already decided to include NOVAS a gift in your will, thank you. We would be grateful if you could let us know so that we can keep you updated on our work and impact in the community.
To speak to someone or to get more information on including a legacy gift to NOVAS, please contact Jackie Leonard, Head of Fundraising jackie.leonard@novas.ie or call 086 176 4198.